Voters approved Santa Cruz City Schools Measure A&B local obligation Bond of $208M in 2016. 19six was awarded five sites to Modernize. Bay View Elementary was assigned a budget of $12,162,942. We worked with the site committee and district to develop a site specific Master plan which realigned the Master Plan’s budget and schedule. Projects included; Campus re-roofing, Portable replacement with permanent modular buildings, playground replacement, Blacktop resurfacing, Reconfiguration of the drop-off and parking area, DROPS (Drought Resistant Outreach Program) raingardens and rainwater collection systems, Technology Infrastructure, HVAC upgrades, Security Door hardware, Classroom, Office and Library Modernization, and Entryway Design and wayfinding.
We worked the portable replacement with new permanent buildings first, and completed this in August 2019. These classrooms are being used was as interim space while the classrooms in the main building was being modernized.
19six was also commissioned to develop the District Standards. The modernization product selection, systems and finishes were based on this selection.